
Rapid access to medical consultation across all the specialists needed

Our extensive network provides you with the opportunity to meet the specialist, you are looking for, face to face very rapidly. Be it on the same day, or in the same week – we will try to shorten your waiting as much as possible, based on your requests. We can gladly be providing your anamnesis to the physician you attend in advance – so he can prepare himself for you and concentrate on the proper consultation, instead of wasting your and his time with the understanding of your anamnesis.

Service Benefits

  • Our specialized We-Care-For-You team
  • Complex client management
  • Rapid access to the specialist you seek
  • Possibility to consult your clinical results and current therapy
  • Second Opinion Choice
  • Regular update of your health information and therapy assistance


Complex client management

We care for our clients in person from the very first contact. Sometimes a health treatment can be complicated and complex. We are here to assist you in getting the best treatment possible. YOU are not a number: YOU deserve a tailor-made treatment matching YOUR needs. Cooperating with renowned specialists, their nursing teams and administrations we try to adjust possible appointments to YOUR timetable, we help to process the clinical results paperwork and we assist you in planning your regular checks and vaccinations on YOUR behalf.

Our We-Care-For-You team can assist you also with the logistics visiting a doctor's office or a hospital, as well as with short-time household assistance in the case of a medical issue or other requests or bespoken services resulting from your health condition.

Service Benefits

  • Our specialized We-Care-For-You team
  • Complex client management
  • Rapid access to the specialist you seek
  • Second Opinion Choice
  • Regular update of your health information and therapy assistance
  • Personal manager


Network of specialists

Our expanding network of medical specialists enables to organize consultations through the whole spectrum of medical departments:

  • GP (general practitioners)
  • Internists
  • Pulmonologists
  • Orthopedics
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Endocrinologists
  • Neurologists
  • Surgeons
  • Plastic and aesthetic surgeons
  • Stomatologists (aesthetic included)
  • Medical imaging (ultrasonography, magnetic resonance, computed tomography, X-rays etc)
  • Pediatricians
  • Children's mobile emergency
  • Others (constantly growing)

Service Benefits

  • Our specialized We-Care-For-You team
  • Complex client management
  • Rapid access to the specialist and GP you seek
  • Second Opinion Choice
  • Regular update of your health information and therapy assistance


Second medical opinion

To receive a second medical opinion on your health condition can enable the correct diagnosis, which is time & money saving, as patients decide for this option too late. Today this is a standard procedure in medicine and provides more safety in the case of several treatment possibilities. A second medical opinion can change the diagnosis and prognosis of a patient.

Clients should not be afraid in requesting a second opinion. You do not influence the current therapy unless you do not wish a change. All physicians are dedicated to support the best possible clinical results for our clients.

Service Benefits

  • Our specialized We-Care-For-You team
  • Complex client management
  • A General Practitioner's recommendation is not required
  • Regular update of your health information and therapy assistance


General Practitioner's (GP's) Services

Together with our GPs we are glad to assist our clients to achieve a complex primary health care. We can organize a meeting with the GP on any health issue. The consultations are planned in a way to take at least 30 minutes. This helps the GP to listen to you carefully and understand in depth your symptoms, conduct a detailed medical and family anamnesis and, if necessary, carry out an examination.

The clinic, where the GP´s office is located, has its own diagnostic devices: this mean you have not to wait, if your health condition requires an instant in depth check.

If your health condition is requesting an immediate action, the GP´s consultation can be organized the same day or ASAP. For the Premium VIP package we offer the service of “Your personal GP”.

Other services include e-prescription, to secure continuous treatment, or urgent prescription for traveling clients.

If you need a recommendation to visit a specialist physician, we can manage it by our cooperating GPs. During all the process you can rely on our We-Care-For-You team, which assists the complex management of the client.

Service Benefits

  • Urgent or planed appointments the same day or ASAP
  • E-prescriptions
  • Management of follow-up examinations if necessary
  • Access to an exclusive network of specialists


Preventive checks

Complex preventive checks will provide you with full information about your health condition.

The aim is an in-time diagnosis of beginning medical issues. This can significantly affect the improvement of your health and life quality.

Based on the initial examination we assist you to prepare the timetable of your regular checks.

You don't have to care when your next check is due. Your Avicenna Concierge manager will watch your plan and inform you intime and agree with you when your medical checks fit best into your schedule.

Service Benefits

  • Initial health check is part of the complex care for your health
  • Organization of your individual health check schedule
  • Active organization and planning of the preventive checks with ease
  • Personal manager


Service – Your-Personal-Doctor

From now on you are not alone with your health issues. 

You can reach your Personal Doctor by phone or email with the assistance of the Avicenna Concierge personal manager 24 hours 7 days a week, if you need an instant health consultation.

In individual cases we can organize a visit of your Personal Doctor at your home or your hotel room.

This program is part of the Premium VIP package.

Service Benefits

  • Quick private specialized health consultation
  • Your Personal Doctor visiting you at home
  • Priority complex health management of the client
  • 24 hours a day 365 days a year for the Premium VIP plan


24/7 Assistance service

From now on you are not alone with your health issues. You can always contact the Avicenna Concierge providing a 24 x 7 complex phone assistance service.

Service Benefits

  • Complex client management
  • Rapid access to a specialist in acute cases
  • Rapid access to a General practitioner in acute cases
  • Specialized care team

Remark: We are no medical emergency service and we do not provide medical service ourselves. An emergency treatment can be done only by a physician, but we will be glad to assist you to find him and help you to get into his office if requested.


Infertility and IVF

The world of the reproductive health care is often complicated, emotional and discouraging.

For many infertile pairs who decided to have their own family, is the treatment by donor eggs often the only possibility.

We cooperate with renowned fertility experts, who combine most recent examination and treatment methods with a personal approach to the client. Our experts have gathered knowledge based on experience in 20 clinics and 7 labs in 9 countries.

Thanks to the amazing progress in reproductive medicine, our partner clinics often help clients just before those start their chemotherapy or radiotherapy, thus enabling a secure storage of eggs, sperms and embryos till the treatment is completed. Our cooperating experts can act rapidly and minimize delays in ongoing treatments and care procedures.

Big leaps are happening in immunology and genetic testing, having impact also the reproductive health care. We are glad to assist you in accessing examinations in the case of repeated abortions, in-vitro fertilization, egg donation and egg-freezing, sperm donation and sperm freezing, as well as gynecological examinations and eventual operations. We cooperate also with best specialists conducting genetical diagnosis.

Service Benefits

  • Our specialized We-Care-For-You team
  • Assistance in seeking relevant advice
  • Assistance during pregnancy


Medical AC-Pass

The medical AC-Pass (Avicenna Concierge Pass) provides a reliable web based solution for the storage of your digitalized health data. By logging in into your single AC-Pass account you can manage all your medical records. The medical findings and documents are stored in a single location and you have safe access to them day and night.

This service is available for Premium VIP clients.

Service Benefits

  • Replacement of your traditional paper archive of medical records at home in a reliable web-based solution
  • Quick access to your medical records in digital form
  • Easy-to-find structure of your medical data
  • Safety of your stored data guaranteed


Rehabilitation and treatment stays

Rehabilitation is an important part of the recovery process with a multitude of diagnosis. Therefore we rely on cooperation with partners having many years of experience in the provision of outpatient rehabilitation and treatment stays focusing on prevention and bespoken therapy according to the health status.

Our partners are spas in Slovakia and the Czech Republic with several centuries long tradition and renowned all over the world. Starting from the 15th century the some of the healing springs were used for medical treatment. Today there are dozens of first class healing spas both in the Slovak and Czech republics.

Avicenna Concierge has a special cooperation with the famous spa in Frantiskovy Lazne (known also under their German name “Franzensbad”) in Western Bohemia and the spa in Vráž u Písku in Southern Bohemia.

Spa Františkovy Lázně

Františkovy Lázně (also known under its German name “Franzensbad”) provide a traditional spa treatment exploiting the exclusively the local hot springs containing ferro-sulfuric components.

The spa treatment is focusing on:

  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Gynecological diseases including infertility treatment
  • Oncological conditions
  • Neurological conditions
  • Dermatological conditions

Spa Hotel Vráž – Castle (Czech Republic)

The Spa Hotel Vráž are located in a neo-Gothic castle from 1875 in the romantic municipality of Vráž u Písku (Southern Bohemia).

The medical treatments in the Spa Hotel Vráž are focusing on:

  • Neurological conditions
  • Rheumatological conditions
  • Orthopaedical conditions
  • Post-traumatic and post-operative conditions


Patients with a SARS-COV2 and Post-covid syndrome

We take care of you…

For clients registered with the Premium, Premium Plus and Premium VIP programs who suffer from a corona virus infection, Avicenna Concierge is mediating the services of a GP.

For clients from Slovakia of the same programs, who have overcome a SARS-COV2 infection and now struggle with the so called “post covid syndrome”, diagnosed with respiratory, nerve or muscular issues, Avicenna Concierge can organize a spa treatment in natural spas having the Slovak Health Ministry license for indication V, VI & VII diagnosis.